Monday, September 29, 2008

A Bunch of Nothing

There hasn't been anything really out of the ordinary going on around here, so I thought i would just update on the norm. I think I felt the baby kick today, not totally certain but it really felt like a kick and not gas bubble. I was laying on the couch on my side and Ashlyn came and sat by me and was right up against my belly and there was a little pressure from her leaning and when she moved I felt this little thump right by my belly button. I don't know if it was wishful thinking or really a kick, but the time is getting about right for me to feel stuff. I will be 16 weeks Wednesday and i believe with Devin i started feeling stuff around 4 1/2 months so i guess in my mind i should feel it a little earlier this time. We have decided on a full girl name and part of a boy name, Kailyn Danielle (girl, obviously) and Dillin (boy). We have come to the tradition of "D" middle names, not on purpose it just kinda happened with the other two so we are keeping up the trend, so i am still on the hunt for a boy middle name. I was at candle party this weekend, yeah mommy time, and was flipping through my friends baby name book and saw a few that i like but my pregnancy brain took over and i cant remember them. So i guess I need to get that book from her. I have, for certain, come to the conclusion that i must stay away from wheat and tomatoes especially together. We had pizza the other night and i had 2 bread stick with sauce and only ate the topping off my pizza and i got super sick. But yesterday i had goat cheese on water crackers, which are made with wheat flour, and i was fine, I don't think i even got heartburn. So i guess tomatoes, which recently in last few years i also discovered i am sensitive to, are the kicker. So i am trying to listen to my body which is hard cause i love tomatoes although they don't like me.

Antonio had duty tonight so we have had a pretty lazy day. We did a partial day with school, kinda easing into it cause last week was our week off and this morning we were all a little groggy and grumpy. We started a new book, Homer Price, it is interesting so far. Ashlyn was dying to see what happens next but i was mean mommy and said we have to wait till tomorrow. Devin has gotten sick of his worksheets so I think i am going to start pulling out the 100's board and we are gonna do stuff with that together, and the ABC poster. I currently have it in the hallway by there rooms, but i think it just gets passed by there so i am going to move it somewhere more central so i can remember to talk about it more.

We did decide to use cloth diapers so i went on an ordering spree at diaperswappers, an online community where moms sell or trade there diapers they have been using, and got some great deals. I may still need a few more covers and another dozen prefolds but i am going to try and wait for awhile unless i get a deal that i cannot pass up (hint hint if anyone has anything they don't want or need LOL). A friend from one of our homeschool groups is going to come over tomorrow and we are going to serge some cloth wipes, i finally got it rethreaded (threading it is a pain), and whipped one wipe up yesterday in about 30 seconds. Flannel seems to be the fabric of choice at all the place you can buy them and the friend is done having babies so she is going to bring over a bunch of flannel blankets that we will make into wipes. I hadn't really had the sewing bug until we planned this and i got my serger threaded and now i cant wait. I also and knitting my first bootie/sock, it has really exercised my brain, i had to give up trying to use logic when reading the pattern and just do it cause it was frustrating me. But it all worked, proves that i guess you don't always need to know why your doing something. Well that's all the nothings i have for now. Ta ta

Friday, September 26, 2008

Theme Day

One of homeschool groups that we are apart of started doing theme days. Yesterday, Thursday, we got to go to a goat farm. It is a family owned farm that was small and personal, it was so fun. One of the ladies from the group is good firends with them and set it all up for us. When we first got there they gave us some information on what a family farm is and talked about several different types of goats and which ones they had. Devin didnt have so much fun on this part, so he spent his time running aroing playing oh and lots of whining. Ashlyn really enjoyed just sitting and listening, she always wanted to be right next the owners, she was really cute. After the information we got to go milk the goats. The man did it first and showed them how to hold and squeeze, ashlyn and devin both tried, devin couldnt get it but ashlyn did on her second try. It got pretty stuffy in the little building so me and devin stepped out and he explored their garden and petted several goats. They were so friendly, if you walk up to them they flock to you to get some lovins. Then they got to watch that same goat be sheared and each child got to keep a little handful of hair, later they also got a little bar of lavender goat soap it smells so good. Then the group got to give the goats little treats, they would slurp them out of the kids hands with their tounges hanging out, it was cute and a little gross for Ashlyn cause one really lapped up her hand. Ashlyn was is heaven on that farm, I barely saw her all morning, she was exploring and hanging out with the owners. She seemed in her element, we have talked about one day getting a little farm, and i mean little, i think she would love it. After all that we got to go inside and get a class on making goat cheese and of course she already had some prepared so we got to taste it. Oh my it put the goat cheese in the stored to shame, it was sooooo good. I think i may try it with some store bought goat milk for fun one time. After we were done with that the kids just romped around and played for awhile and then we headed to Pioneertown.

I am so glad we followed poeple who knew where they were going cause i would have driven right by this town. It was a one road old western style town, all the buildings, except one, had wood siding like they did back in the day. It was so cute, the bowling alley had its oringinal paintings on the walls from the 40's done by a artist who worked for Hollywood. The owner whom is also apart of the group was so generous. She was giving us all money for the pinball machines, which were also older and very neat and only a quarter. All the kids also got free popsicles and she gave me two sodas. It was so great we had a ton of fun. Antonio and I and the kids are going to go back to one of the resteraunts, well it may be the only resteraunt besides the bowling alley, they have a bluegrass band on Saturdays, and its supposed to be kids friendly as long as its early. As you can see i have no pictures, uuurrg, i thought about the camera in the shower but spaced it off and forgot it. Hopefully someone got some pictures and maybe i can get a few and post them later. It was a great day.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Blogging Game

I got this idea from my friend and thought it would be fun to play.

Blogging game:1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I (or any of my family members) had together. It doesn't matter if you knew us a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions (if you haven't done this already) on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I have been taking pictures randomly the last couple weeks and it is know time to post them. I have been forgetting that I had them until I would take another picture and then think oh i need to post these. So this morning the kids wanted a bath and knowing that could take awhile I am using my time wisely.

Devin being cute, he was cold after a shower I believe so he wrapped himself up. Notice his tounge is not sticking out, maybe that is the secret, get him when he is cold.

The kids pulled out the train tracks after not playing with them for awhile and they built this awesome track. It went under the trampoline and around, it was great.

Kitty wanted in the picture i guess

I cant remember why i took these, but here they are. Ooops devin wasnt fully dressed yet.

And we cant finish a picture blog without seeing devins tounge, goofy boy.

Ashlyn and I picked this puzzle from dollar tree (love that store) and put it together. We had a lot of fun.

This was our attempt to make clay whales for our ocean box that is apart of our science. Well they didnt put baking directions on the box and i tought i had remembered the temperature being about 180, but i guess i was wrong, obviously they melted. We were bummed.

another train picture the was out of order.

Pregnancy update, baby still makes me sick every no and then. I definatly feel like I am growing, the ligament pain has been pretty intense and yesterday I was just plain tired all day. I got a great deal on 20 maternity shirts and 2 pairs of pants only 70.00 with shipping. I also ordered some more pants from motherhood. I am still in that stage of just looking chubby and not really pregnant yet but soon my belly will be screaming Im pregnant. We will be 14 weeks tomorrow, 3 1/2 months . Well children are calling, till next time...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Impact on Planet Earth

I got this idea from another blogger, I cant figure out how to get the picture up here but you can just click the link. and you can also see what your global footprint is by doing the quiz. It didnt take too long and I thought it was kinda fun. If the world lived like me we would 4 and 1/2 planet earths. Intersting stuff.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Rock Climbing Adventures

Antonio and I decided we have been watching way to much TV so on Monday night we made the short drive up to Indian Cove. For those of you not familiar with it, it is where we live at and up the road is campsites and mountains. So Monday we went up and the kids and Antonio climbed so small rocks, all with in my comfort zone. I, of course, stood patiently at the bottom watching. After about an hour we left and went and got ice cream from this little market also in our neighborhood, its a cute little place with a little of everything. Since everyone had so much fun Daddy said we would go again the next night. The kids talked about it all day and we prepared when daddy got home. So off we went again. This time daddy was a little more bold and adventurous and kept my heart rate and blood pressure up. And as he was at the top of his highest climb he calls down to me "where is the pictures for your blog now?!?!" so yes I forgot the camera, I was bummed about that cause they had a blast. No ice cream last night, although it was highly requested. They were tuckered out and fell asleep pretty fast.

Since it is cooling down around here, usually tops of in the mid 90's and by almost sundown its actually in the 80's, we will probably be having more out door adventures. This morning a little before 7:00 am i was outside with Antonio and it was 66, it felt so nice and cool, love it. Till next time......

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ashlyn's Turn

She decided to be funny today, well at least I thought it was. If you haven't noticed I changed to appearance of my blog (not sure if I like it yet) and I also added some icons from Lillypie that track the kids ages and my pregnancy. Well I was looking at them and telling Devin about them and Ashlyn heard me and came in and I told her exactly how old she was and how pregnant I am, and she says where is yours mommy, and I said my what, and she said something like your age tracker. And I said why in the world would I do that. She looked at me kinda weird and I said I don't want to track how old I am that's no fun, its fun to know how old you are. Silly girl, not that I have a complex about my age cause I don't, could care less but I don't think I want it on display so I can see it everyday, we will just stick with the pregnancy.

The kids have been having such a good time playing today, it was hard for me to tear them away to take showers, and know I have to do it again so we can read. I am trying to stick to a morning schedule and have been for 3 weeks, yippee, I just function better if its written down for me and then I don't have that nagging guilt of am I missing something that they need to be learning. I also am getting back to daily cleaning schedule, like Mondays are bathrooms Tuesdays are kitchen, the poor house has not been getting much love since we moved here. And since this stresses the hubby out and I am feeling better these days (I guess baby got the message) I figured I better get on it before baby gets here and then we have a whole other set of things to deal with. Well that's my ramblings for today.... till next time.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Devin's Words of Wisdom

The boy cracks me up. We were sitting at the table doing some school work and I was going to write Devin's name on his bat paper he was coloring. So I asked him"Devin how do you spell your name?" He said C and I said du du du (thats me sounding out d) D-e-v-i-n," and then he says to me"If you know how to spell it then dont ask me" It was so funny I couldnt help but laugh and he says" I'm serious I'm not joking" He is too smart for his own good.

I let the kids go on and print out some stuff (thanks for the idea Jackie). Ashlyn chose a camping book, an armadillo, and a parrott coloring page (check the box for fine arts!!!). Great website with lots of stuff, it cost 20.00 a year but I think its worth it. We will post pics later on. Better get back to the kidos, I had to come post this before I forgot my sons witty comment.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Pregnancy Update

This is my third new post today and they are long so make sure you dont miss them!!

I am home from my appointment with good news, we heard babies heartbeat it was 160 beats per minute. It's a relief. I am 12 weeks and one day and as soon as baby gets that message maybe I can start feeling better LOL. With the other two kids the nausea just seemed to dissapear at 12 weeks, whats going on here!!! I can tell my belly is growing and am looking forward to looking pregnant and not just overweight. So far bland foods are the best for me, i usually do ok with the basic seasonings like garlic onion and salt and pepper, but sometimes on the wrong day it just turns my stomach. Friut hasnt been so appealing to me lately, I think I am sick of eating it, but I will trudge on and eat it anyways. Well thats all the prego stuff I can think of right now. Toodaloo

This is Going to be a long one....continued

more sunset

ok I know for sure this is Devin going down the hill. They had a blast.

Here's Antonio trying to ge the dog to jump in the back of the truck, she tried once but couldnt make it. After this they all went on a walk, I stayed home cause I was tired.

My first project for the baby. Super easy knitted cotton hat, I cant wait to put it on baby.

Picture #2 of hat

Ashlyn lost her third tooth, bottom left.

Her tooth in the jar, kinda hard to see.

kids washing Sally (evidently this is the name they chose for the van, the truck is Jack)

Antonio had to change the spark plugs on the van. Not his favorite things in the world to do especially on this van. It seems to be a conspiracy, they place everything in the weirdest places, almost like they didnt want you to be able to do the work youself. Notice he is under the van in order to get to three of the spark plugs. He literally had to force his hand up into the engine to get to them.

Here is Devin helping. After some persuasion Daddy allowed him to help. he was so cute, he told me "this engine is broken, but the other one is ok" so I asked how many engines are there and he said "forty eight". He is just to cute.

here they are together under the van. devin kept going to the tool box and getting new tools and pretending he was fixing stuff. He's say things like too much gas last night.

Ashlyn didnt seem to interested in being under the van, not that she is against getting dirty but I guess it want her thing. She did find a injured dragon fly that kept her busy for awhile.

Ok I am finally done, yeah. I will try to post later on today after we go to my 12 week OB appt. If we can here the heart beat with the doppler thing then I wont get the ultrasound, since the only reason for the ultrasound is to make sure everything is ok. So only a few more hours to wait, I am excited.

This is Going to be a long one....

I guess I have to play catch up a little. I also took about 30 pictures this weekend and am going to try to get them all in this post, so here goes. Antonio had a nice long weekend due to Labor day, we didnt do anything out of the ordinary just hung out. I still cant travel far from home cause I get car sick and I also never know when I wont feel good. I have to say this has been the roughest pregnancy yet, but I will continue to remind myself how greatful I am and how much I am looking forward to having this child.

Devin working on his letter sheets.

Ashlyn doing Math. NOt sure if she really likes math or not. She likes it when she does it with Daddy, but I think some of the concepts are tricky for her.

Devin (notice the tounge and spiderman hand also the I love you sign)
"C" is for clouds. I am very pleased that he is enjoying these. I started hanging them all on the wall so he can see the whole alphabet. this is an old picture, today we did letter "F".

Ashlyn's favorite coloring book, it has really cute pictures of kitties in it.

These are some of the masterpieces out of the kitty coloring book

Devin's notebook, he saw one in walmart that had Spiderman on it and it was triple the price of this one, so I told him he could decorate it with spiderman himself. Whew he liked that idea.

here is the inside cover and first page (can you tell he likes spiderman). I have been pleasantly suprised how much he is enjoying stuff like this. I thought it wasnt his thing but now I am thinking it may have just been his age and he needed some gentle persausion. Coloring is not something he naturally gravitates too, but he's had fun with it so far and he says the cutest things while coloring his pictures.

There was a beautiful sunset the other night and I thought I would try and get pictures. They did not turn out very well, but if you can try to imagine it a lot prettier that this you may understand why I took the pictures.

Ashlyn pointed out the first star to me so I thought I'd take a picture of it.

more sunset

You cant see it well, but there is alittle hill going down to the neighbors house. The kids discovered that it would be really fun to ride there bikes down it. I think the black blur in this picture is devin, not totally sure though.

Ashlyn on her bike.
Ok I am going to start a new post cause it is getting irritaing to drag all the pictures to the bottom of this post.