Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Not Much to Talk About...............

I have a few friends who have made some comments on me never blogging (you know who you are VA and MD) so I thought I might really surprise them and blog twice in one week. Watch out now!!!!

We have had a really nice week so far. We've been gone from the house a lot, which is good cause i hate being lonely and with hubby gone there are a lot of the lonley's going on here. Yesterday me and a friend ran into each other in Richlands so we had dinner with them and didn't get home till bed time, perfect for us. And today me and another friend took our kids to the aquarium. It was a lot of fun. We got to see the river otters get fed. The workers fed them live gold fish, celery w/ peanut butter, and pine cones filled with banana chips. One of the otters was real partial to the celery and the other to the fish. It was really funny watching the one swim after the gold fish, aahhh nature (well man made) at its finest. We also got to watch one of the workers clean one of the fish tanks. Of course this was one of the highlights of the day for the kids. I touched lots of sting rays and picked up a lot of inhabited sea shells. There were a lot of staff around to explain things and give lots of info. It was a really nice day that ended w/ some Ben and Jerry's ice cream and Taco Bell for dinner. We were gone all day and it was fabulous. Tomorrow I am going for a facial, I actually meant to cancel it cause i wanted to go to the Chiropractor instead but i spaced it off and am to late to cancel. Maybe next pay check i will get my spine aligned. I know it seems like the priorities are a little backwards but hey i didn't write it down and therefore i spaced it off.

Anyways i will post some pictures of the aquarium when my friend forwards them to me, cause guess what didn't even think to bring the darn camera, aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh save me from the madness LOL.

Until next time folks.....................