Monday, December 1, 2008

We Are Alive and Well

I just havent felt like blogging, I think its the 81 pictures i have looming on my camera to be downloaded, yes i am avoiding putting those. Well I guess i dont have to, oh ya theres that huh. We had a nice Thanksgiving, we went over to a friends house from church, we had fun and played a cool bible game, cant remember the name but it was challenging and fun. Kids had a great time with their friends and everyone was ready for bed when we got home. Mommy is doing well, trying to manage life with GD. On those days when you just want to wolf down a chocolate cake it can get tough, or on thanksgiving when you wnat to eat the whole pumkin pie, but instead I gorged on the protien items so my sugars wouldnt go too crazy. I actually avoided checking my sugars that day, denial!!! Baby is doing well, jumping around a lot more. We have about 15 weeks to go, i was officially 6 months last week. Kids are good, Devin is still mad about counting and is showing some reading intrest. I have been trying to read books to him that are on his level, I had neglected this for awile due to all the other reading i do for Ashlyn. But he is really liking short books with lots of pictures, the chapter books bore him to tears. Him and Ashlyn sat down to play "school", it didnt really go very well, a certain 7 year old was quite bossy and didnt make learning so fun. But on the plus side she taught him how to write the big letter A. So he was really excited about that and him and Daddy sat down that night after dinner and practiced. Ashlyn has always and will always love drama, she love to act things out, give you the full story and spend a lot of time in imagination land. Its really cute the things they come up with when they pretent together. So thats our life in a nut shell for now. Until next month......LOL just kidding, i hope.

1 comment:

5explorers said...

i remember those days of wanting every food i couldn't have & never seemed to have wanted before being pregnant. there were lots of times i didn't check my bs level too, already knew it was bad. i think i lived on cheese & celery, could eat a ton of that without bs going thru the roof :-)