Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I have come to one, as I must at many points in my life. I was having some surrender issues with having this baby. I picked up a book that I really like, The Victory of Surrender" by Gordon Fergeson (SP?). Its a great book on being surrendered to God and his plans. So the other night while I had a nice soak in a hot bath I read one of my favorite chapters. It was just what I needed. When i start giving into my emotions of excitetment and wanting to control things i get unsurrendered. Not that being excited about a new baby is bad, but when thats all you think, talk, and daydream about then it becomes a problem. So I am trying to recognize when i am just being an excited mom and when it's getting a little over the top.

as far as baby and mom go , we are doing well. I am waddling big time now, she is definatly engaged in the pelvis. We see the midwife today and will find out if we have progressed any. I have actually felt a lot better since last Wed. not sure why but i am so we will just claim it and roll on.

Ashlyn is just bubbling with excitement over when baby will come. I think i gave her too much infomation today. she asked why she couldnt come to my appt with me and i told her cause i needed privacy with the midwife. I expalined how she would check my cervix to see how dialated I am. I probably shouldnt have, now that i look back. Ooops, too late now. Hopefully she will just forget, fingers crossed.

I will keep you all posted...

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