Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I got my ultrasound today and my placenta has moved out of the way so we are clear for natural childbirth. I am relieved that i wont be getting cut open, at least planned before hand. She is so much bigger, she weights 4 lbs 7 oz so far and it looks like she is on her way to be about the same as her brother and sister who were both around 8 lbs. This time instead for being able to see her whole body on the screen you could only see one part at a time. We couldnt get a really good profile picture, but soon i willl be seeing her face to face so thats ok. I got relaly dizzy on the ultrasound table, i think because they have you flat on your back and it interfears with the blood flow. It was weird feeling though, luckily she was just finishing up when it happened. Well thats all for now, take care.

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