Well if any men are reading this, it may be TMI for them so beware. Went to the midwife Tuesday and it looks like baby is making some progress tword coming into the world. I am 1 cm diaplated, 50% effaced, and she is at station 3. It's small progress but its good to know these frequent contractions i have are doing their job. Yesterday and today they have been noticably stronger and I feel them more in the lower regions rather that just the top of my uterus. I could easily go to my due date and know that the above things dont mean anything in terms of when baby will come, but any progress is good progress. Now I am just wanting to be sure that i get to the hospitol in time for my round of antibiotics, i am such a worry wort.
I got a free changing table pad w/ a cover off of freecycle, I have never had one of the good ones with the high sides before, exciting stuff. Antonio thinks i am silly, i get excited ove the little things. I told him the other day that i am so excited to open the diapers to see how little and cute they are, and he said why she is just gonna poop in them. Silly guy, at least ashlyn is equally excited to see them. She ooohhhs and aaaaahhhs over everything like i do, love having a girl in the house to share my little moments with.
Speaking of miss ashlyn, yesterday was her birthday, sniffle sniffle she is 8. We had a low key day. She requested pancakes for breakfast so we did that. When i was a little girl my mom would let us pick our birhtday dinner, so i decided to start doing that with them. She picked turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy. I think she actually wanted the whole turkey but i just did the legs and breast, she loved it and kept complimenting the potatoes and gravy. A couple days ago she decided she wanted to to get her ears peirced, so we went to walmart yesterday. She picked out her earings, sat down, but when it came time she was absolutly terrified. She was silently crying with big huge eyes. Ifelt so bad for her. So I held her down and forced her to doit while she kicked and screamed in the middle of Walmart, no i am just kidding i wouldnt do that. We decided to come back on saturday when there were two people there to do it at the same time. So Devin wanted to get her a present so we went and picked her something out, then we went to the pizza hut buffet for lunch. When we got home it was nap time and she kept telling me she regreted not getting it done. So we talked about it through out the rest of the day, a friend brought her over a present and we did her cake. We all worked together on it and ate it after dinner. Before we left for church she comes to me and says mommy i decided i dont want to get my ears pierced, i think i am beautiful just the way i am. I said ok honey its your decision. She was so precious. Tons of people at church told her happy birthday and she was just beaming all night and still this morning. I will post the little video that antonio took of her eating cake and all the pictures he took, thanks honey, later on.
8 years ago