My son has all the sudden started counting. He can actually point to things and make it up to 11. He can count randomly up to about 17 then he starts to skip a few numbers. I am excited for a couple reasons, first that he is interested in something besides TV and Video games an the fact that he did it all by himself. I didnt teach him thing about numbers and actually i havent been teaching him anything "academic" lately. So I am believing more and more that they will learn it when they are ready, oh and he can also whistle which amazes me cause ashlyn has been trying for years and cant seem to get the tounge movement down. She asked me how did he learn before me and i just said that we all learn things at different times and to keep trying.
Now in reference to the taranchula, yes we had one at our house. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, i couldnt type enough ahhhs to fully express the creepyness of it. Luckily it was outside, although eversince i have been quite perinoind of finding one inside. The kids were playing by the garage and Devin stopped dead in his tracks and gave a littel scream when he saw the huge thing. It was easily the size of ashlyns palm. Thank goodness Antonio was home to kill it, I am not sure how i would have handled that one. Of all the wildlife i exp[ected to see in the desert, that large black furry thing was not one of them. I am tainted for life now,yuck!!!!!!!!!
Oh and about the ultrasound, in case any of you are interested we are some what sure the it is a..................................................................................................................................................................
ok i will stop with the periods and stop being silly and just tell you all already, are you sure you want to know LOL sorry i will stop. The radiology tech said to her it looks like a girl, but that she would give us a definate. I asked her if it was safe to go buy some pink flowery stuff and she said just save the receipts. But then on the way out she said good luck with that girl. I thought it was girl and it looked to me like it was , not that i can distinguish much on those things. BUt antonio says he is still 50/50. i will have to go back at 30 or 32 weeks for another one cause my placenta was low lying, she wasnt sure if this was cause i was having a contraction the whole time i was in there or if it was actually low. I didnt feel like i was the whole time, but i was out of breath a lot. But Antonio made a good point that i was laying flat on my back and had to pee really bad. I have an appt on thursday and i am sure we will discuss it. I talked with a friend who also had this early on and hers corrected itself. So this is what i will be praying for, i really want natural childbirth. So i guess i am convinced that it is a girl, but am keeping it in the back on my mind that i could be wrong.
8 years ago